Tool Mentor: Capturing the Results of
Identify and Structure Test Procedures using TestManagerÖ
This tool mentor describes how to use Rational TestManager's Plan Script
function to capture the results of identifying and structuring test procedures.
Related Rational Unified Process activities:
Section "Identify and Structure Test Procedures"
of Activity: Design Test
This Tool Mentor is applicable when running Microsoft Windows 95/98/NT 4.0.
In the Plan Test activity, you identified the test requirements, that is,
what needs to be tested. In test design, you decide how test requirements will
be tested. This leads to formal test procedures that identify test set-up,
execution instructions, and evaluation methods. You use this information as the
specifications for recording or programming your test scripts. Then, with
TestManager you link this information to a test script and generate test
coverage reports that track your test design progress.
- Plan script
- Edit script properties
To plan a script:
- Click File -> Plan Script to open the Plan Script
dialog box. Alternately, you can select a test requirement in the
Requirements Hierarchy with a right-click and then click Plan
General tab:
Use this tab to assign a name and other general properties, such as a
description, the script owner, purpose, and type.
- Click the General tab (if not displayed).
- Enter a name for the script, using a logical naming convention and up to
40 characters.
- Type a brief description of the script in the Description
- Select the script's developer from the Owner list.
- Select the purpose of the test script from the Purpose list.
- Select the environments (operating systems) in which the script will be
used from the Environments list.
- Select the script type.
Note: The Developed check box indicates whether or not a
script has actually been developed (implemented). TestManager considers a
script developed when it has either been recorded or edited. When planning a
new script, leave the check box unchecked.
Related Assets tab:
Use this tab to associate a test script with a test requirement.
- Click the Related Assets tab. If you opened the Plan
Script dialog directly from the test requirements hierarchy, the selected
test requirement will already be displayed and linked.
- If you need to add or change the associated test requirement, click Select
to open the Select Requirement
dialog box. Select the appropriate requirement (you may have to open up
the parent requirement(s) to display its children).
- Click OK. The selected test requirement should be
displayed in the dialog box.
VU Compilation tab:
Use this tab to add #defines and external C libraries that may be needed to
compile VU scripts. You can add these items in the Defines and External C
Libraries regions of the VU Compilation tab.
Note: This feature requires Rational PerformanceStudio. Use this tab only
with VU scripts.
LoadTest requires that all external C libraries (.DLLs on Windows NT) be
placed in the Script\externC directory of the current project. When specifying
the library name, it is not necessary to include the .DLL extension.
- Click the VU Compilation.
- Click the Add button in the Defines section.
In this section you can add C-preprocessor directives, such as #define,
#include, #ifdef, and #if to VU scripts.
- Type the name of the directive.
- Click the Add button in the External C
Libraries section. In this section you can add references to
user-written external C libraries.
- Type or browse to the name of the library and click OK.
Specifications tab:
Use this tab to add more in-depth notes describing the script or to map the
script to a test procedure specification file.
- Click the Specifications tab.
- To link a test procedure specification file to this script, either enter
a file name (and path) or click Browse to search for the
- After the file is selected, you can use the Open button
to bring the file into its default editor.
Custom tab:
Use this tab to add custom field values to a script. Custom labels allow
you to tailor script information to the standards and practices used in your
- Click the Custom tab.
- Enter the appropriate data in these fields. Custom 1
and Custom 2 fields are drop-down lists that contain
user-definable list items. The Custom 3 field is an edit box in which you
can enter any text applicable to your testing project.
Statistics tab:
Use this tab to display statistics about the script. Statistics include the
creation date, modification date, and the name of the developers.
- Click the Statistics tab.
When all data has been entered or updated, click OK to
save the information.
To enter or modify additional properties for a test script:
- Click File -> Plan Script to open the Plan Script
dialog box. Alternately, you can select a test requirement in the
Requirements Hierarchy with a right-click and then click Plan
- Click the appropriate tab and follow the appropriate steps (above).
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